Walking Through The Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions
With Chris Schroeder & Monty Meyer

Take12Radio.com and KHLT Recovery Broadcasting 
has produced another incredible recovery workshop based on the book Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
This incredible study includes 30 one hour workshops

In these 30 one hour workshops you will lean:
  • The history behind the Steps & Traditions.
  • The secret behind how and why this book was published.
  • What this book was meant to be used for and what it was not.
  • Some of the politics behind the Twelve Traditions.
  • Informative and humors facts about this book.
  • How to use this book properly.

Your eyes will be open like never before to a fellowship of the Spirit and the spirit of the fellowship.

About Chris Schroeder:

Chris has been a host of various TV and Radio Shows. He has been active lecturing at recovery centers, correctional facilities and graduate schools over the past 17 years promoting the abstinence/12 step processes. Chris is an internationally known speaker who has a great passion for helping those afflicted with alcoholism and drug addiction. Chris has worked in management of educational facilities since 1991. Chris is a co-founder of the organization "A National Association of Recovered Alcoholics and Addicts".

About Monty Meyer:

Monty Meyer. (the Monty'man) is the owner and Executive Producer of K.H.L.T. 
(K-HALT) Recovery Broadcasting and the Take 12 Recovery Radio Shows.
Working with local drug & alcohol services Monty's work is primarily with those who have a desire to become whole through the process of recovery. 

Today's Price:     $25.00   Shipping:            Included

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Walking Through The Big Book
With Chris Schroeder & Monty Meyer

Take12Radio.com and KHLT Recovery Broadcasting 
has produced a line by line and page by page 34 hour audio DVD study of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.
We don't believe there has ever been such a detailed and thorough workshop of the Big Book.

In these 34 one hour workshops you will travel with Chris and the Monty'man as they:
  • Introduce you to the founders and participants of early AA. 
  • Meet the men and women of AA and hear their stories that you may have 
          never heard before.  
  • Learn the true intentions of those who carried this spiritual message of recovery. 
  • The reasons why AA's success rate was so very high. 
  • Travel back to Akron and New York and learn the difference between the two.
  • Learn how the 12 Steps were designed to be applied and implemented in the life of the alcoholic so he/she could recover.

Your eyes will be open like never before to a fellowship of the Spirit and the spirit of the fellowship.

About Chris Schroeder:

Chris has been a host of various TV and Radio Shows. He has been active lecturing at recovery centers, correctional facilities and graduate schools over the past 17 years promoting the abstinence/12 step processes. Chris is an internationally known speaker who has a great passion for helping those afflicted with alcoholism and drug addiction. Chris has worked in management of educational facilities since 1991. Chris is a co-founder of the organization 
"A National Association of Recovered Alcoholics and Addicts".

About Monty Meyer:

Monty Meyer. (the Monty'man) is the owner and Executive Producer of K.H.L.T. 
(K-HALT) Recovery Broadcasting and the Take 12 Recovery Radio Shows.
Working with local drug & alcohol services Monty's work is primarily with those who have a desire to become whole through the process of recovery. 

Today's Price:     $25.00   Shipping:            Included

Applying the Twelve Traditions in Your Family & Personal Life
with Carol Ann Preston and Monty Meyer

In this DVD of 14 one hour workshops Carol Ann Preston and the Monty'man takes a deep look into the practical application and implementation of the 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous how they relate in our family lives.

Learn how to apply all 12 Traditions in your relationships with:
  • Your spouse
  • Your X spouse
  • Your children
  • Your friends, co-workers and boss.
  • Your finances
  • Even your sex life.

The Traditions aren't just for your 12 Step fellowship anymore.
Learn how to personalize them.

About Carol Ann Preston:

Carol is a recovered alcoholic and addict who has developed and presented award winning programs for adolescence and adults and is gifted with the ability to communicate about subjects of an emotional nature with ease, sensitivity and honesty. Carol developed and presented the program, 'VIP' for at-risk youth in the north Dallas Texas area, which was recognized and awarded by the Meadows Foundation. In addition to providing workshops, support groups and retreats for those affected by addiction, using the tools outlined in her first book, Remembering Who We Are:  
a workbook.

Carol speaks on topics such as: 12 step spirituality, addictions, teens for positive peer support, child abuse, domestic violence, dysfunction in the class room; guided relaxation and meditation, birth-death; the cycle of life, abortion and more.
Carol co-host the "Relationship' show each week www.take12radio.com. More

Today's Price:     $25.00   Shipping:   
Our Shows On CD
Choose from several of our past or current shows

Now you can order CD's of many of our past shows.
Visit the archives page and pick which show/s you would like a copy of.

Make sure when ordering that you include the name of the show/s you are requesting.
Single CD's are now $7.00 including shipping and handling.

Copyright laws prohibit coping of our CD's (in case you were wondering)

For bulk orders of 15 or more please call 541-971-6445

Today's Price:     $7.00   Shipping:     Included

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Take12 Recovery Radio Shows on the air.
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