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Meet the Take 12 Recovery Radio Family
We are incredibly grateful for those who have joined us in the vital work of Take 12 Recovery Radio
by becoming a Take 12 Partner, Sponsor or CoWorker
We simply would not be able to keep our shows on the air without you. Your contribution and dedication are deeply appreciated and mean so much to so many.
Thank you and God Bless.
- Our Highest Power, Jesus Christ
- Marsha Meyer, Cameron Meyer, Colin Meyer
- Matt Brown - Former CoHost
- Dr. Allen Berger - Former CoHost
- Dave Fleming - Former CoHost
- Derek Ader - Former CoHost
- Anthony Pollard - Former CoHost
- Denver Wolfe - Former CoHost - Deceased
- Marv Ramsey - Former CoHost - Deceased
- Margie Ramsey - Former CoHost - Deceased
- Tony Johnson - Former CoHost
- Bruce Hamil - Former CoHost - Deceased
- Wade Coffey - Former CoHost
- Cherie Coffey - Former CoHost
- Ed Daul - Former CoHost - Deceased
- Brad Hink - Former CoHost / Music Production
- Dean Christensen / Voice Over Production
- Richard Burns / aka Dick B. - Former CoHost - Deceased
- Nathan Adams - Former CoHost
- Melissa Tackitt - Former CoHost
- Mitch Bourgeois - Former CoHost
- Tony Messbarger - Former CoHost - Deceased
- Jason McCauley - Former CoHost
- Mason Clegg - Former CoHost
- Sandra Weir - Former CoHost
- Brent Cook / Cook Creative Services / Former CoHost
- Descending Dove Ministries
- Joey Smith / the Southwest Washington Recovery Coalition
- Mike D. / 12 Step Recovery Books
- PodOMatic / World's largest podcasting platform
- Teen Challenge of Arizona
And to those we may have missed, there are far to many to count. We love and appreciate you all!